March 16, 2002

More updates...

Posted by Scott at 01:37 PM

This morning it rained which is good because southern NH is in a short term drought and it also gets the brook in our back yard flowing. For breakfast I drove to the new Dunkin' Donuts (DD) that just opened about 1/2 mile north of us. For those familiar with our area, the new DD is between Chez Gilly and DW's Restaurant. While two DD's in Nashua were recently torn down and rebuilt smaller, this one is huge. It turns out that DD's old theme of freshly baked donuts has shifted now that they've established such market dominance. Now the donuts are baked in regional centers and shipped to the franchises every day. This new DD up the street is the new regional baking center for the area. That's why it's so large.

I did go to Ted's step class and Michelle colored Easter eggs with the girls. After step class we did go look at the two other homes in Bedford. The first one may be a so-so backup house but the second one was as we expected: a new development of large cookie cutter homes. One of the plusses of the house we may put an offer on this weekend is that it's near the historic center of Bedford. Since the kids were so patient being carted around for these two houses we took them to McDonald's. All four kids enjoyed the McD indoor playground. It was there that I realized that Daniel can now stand up without first leaning against something for initial balance. He can now just be in the middle of a room, stand, and start walking! Go Daniel! The boys are down for their naps now and I think the rest of us may join them in resting. Michelle is going to sneak out to WalMart and get some Easter supplies.
