November 06, 2002

Television and politics

Posted by Scott at 05:55 AM

Michelle and I woke up early this morning to find out how the elections went. New Hampshire had record mid-term election turnout with 55% of the voters turning out. While we watched the results, Michelle noted how nice it was to see "normal" (non-political) commercials again. Speaking of commercials, I came across this article about how PVRs like TiVo may not last. Despite their very cool capabilities (I find them much handier than DVDs) they are not making enough market penetration. I liked this soundbite, "More U.S. homes have outhouses (671,000) than TiVos (504,000 to 514,000). ".

In New Hampshire there was a major sweep for republicans. The hotly contested Governor's seat and open US Senate seat went to republicans as did the two congressional seats. I was keeping my closest eye on the US Senate seat. I found the NARAL sponsered ads for Jean Shahean attacking John Sununu to be really annoying, above the normal irritation of back to back politcal ads that we were having. Here's the NH summary:

Oh my goodness. Morning sunlight is breaking and there's snow on the ground! I thought that snow was just going to happen in the northern part of the state.

I found a new Catholic weblog this morning - Envoy Encore, by the folks at Envoy magazine. I added it to the list of links at the sidebar.
