November 23, 2002


Posted by Scott at 02:44 PM

Despite what you may think, this past week WWJD has stood for "What would Jesus drive?" I've been following the discussion at various websites. Some of the more interesting response articles have been: "Would Jesus Buy an SUV?" and "Spiritual Vehicles".

Personally I don't harbor a lot of guilt on this issue. I drove small cars for many years. Now with our fifth child on the way, even a minivan is becoming a tight squeeze. Of course some extreme environmentalists would take us to task for the supposed negative environmental impact of having so many children.

Not much news on the family front. I still want to work on a new photo album later this weekend. My folks made it home to Chicago despite the bleah weather they endured on the drive. We all went to the YMCA this morning and I plan on taking the girls swimming there tomorrow after Mass. Claire has a five day weekend coming up for Thanksgiving. I also plan on working on a decent picture for our Christmas cards.

I got the home based website to use the gzip compression technology when serving up web pages. Hopefully that will make serving the webpages more efficient, especially for dialup modems. Drop me a line if it breaks your browsing. It supposed to be pretty transparent and only kick in if the user's browser supports it, which most modern browsers since 1999 have.
