February 27, 2003

Alyssa back home, Mom & Dad left

Posted by Scott at 08:44 PM

I got off the phone with Alyssa a short while ago. I was so relieved to hear her voice back home in her own kitchen. I've had butterflies in my stomach for the past couple of days, not unlike when I was home earlier this month watching the kids while Michelle was in the hospital delivering Timothy. You just feel so powerless. In my day to day job I answer questions and solve problems all day long. "How can I... Why does this... If I do this, could it... How would you... What would happen if I..." And some of the things my customers ask are real mind bogglers. Here I could do nothing but wait, hope, and pray, just like when Timothy was arriving. The hospital staff got Alyssa's contractions under control but determined that when the time comes (around Easter), she will need a caesarian section. Hopefully the contractions won't come back. For now she needs to take it easy.

We were sad to see mom and dad head back this morning. It wasn't because they left a few days early. It was just the usual sadness of seeing them go. One upside to this is that Timothy can sleep in that room now. A lot of the sleeplessness I've had is that I would get anxious whenever I heard any little snort, chortle, or gurgle. It was as if I was bracing for whether it would escalate into another round of crying.

I opened savings accounts for Michael and Daniel today. I deposited the moneys they received from their birthdays last month. I would have opened one for Timothy as well but he didn't have an SSN yet. So, of course, of course, when I got home tonight, Timothy's Social Security card arrived in the mail. In the words of Maxwell Smart, "I missed it by that much!"

In case you lost track, Lent starts next Wednesday. Or, from another perspective, next Tuesday is Mardi Gras. Amazing how it always seems to do that.... *grin*

Yesterday BilikFamily.com was down for a short spell. No, there wasn't an Internet worm. No, Adelphia didn't hiccup. No, my hard drive didn't crash. No, it was an issue I doubt major web hosting sites worry about. I called Michelle when I couldn't "see" the site from work. "Could you just check on the computer?" I said. She came back half a minute later, "How's it now?" "Great! What happened?" "The do-bees got in here!" One of the twins got near the computer and pushed the button to take the cable modem offline.

So Suzy, how was your visit with the Tarpeys last weekend?
