June 23, 2004


Posted by Scott at 08:22 AM

Last Day Of School -- Last week we had the last day of school for us. Next year I get Mrs. Tearny for my 3 grade teacher. Kids that have already been in 3 grade before in Mrs. Tearny's class say that she sometimes rewards children with candy.

Mr. Russell -- A friend of ours named Mr. Russell came to visit our house last week. He is 43 years old. He is really fun! He and I walked to the river near our home. We picked a bunch of flowers. They were all very pretty!

Park -- Today we are going to go to the park. I just do not know which park we are going to. My sister Abigail wants her friend Jessica to come to the park with us. But my mom says that it is too early and that Timothy is asleep.


Congratulations on your last day of school. We can wait for you gals to get here.. er.. I mean can't wait, yeah that's it. Remember it is important for you to bug your Mom and Dad alot over the next 6 days, so they don't miss you too much.
Uncle Tom

Posted by: Tom at June 24, 2004 10:09 PM

Thanks Tom!

I've been doing a few minor tweaks to the layout and was wondering if everything still looked OK on Windows' Internet Explorer?

Posted by: Scott at June 24, 2004 10:15 PM

Everything looks A-OK on this end!

Posted by: Tom at June 24, 2004 10:50 PM