September 16, 2004

Classic movie night

Posted by Scott at 10:11 PM

Cary GrantCary Grant - Tonight Michelle and Abby went into Nashua to go to the Christmas Tree Shops, home of the semi-annoying tagline, "Don't you just love a bargain?". Claire and I stayed home to watch a 1940 movie, "My Favorite Wife", starring the heavy hitters of Cary Grant and Irene Dunne. As the plot summary says,

Nick marries Bianca, but a short time later Ellen, (his first wife) turns up after having been stranded on a desert island for seven years.......
Some subplots were added. Nick learns that Ellen spent her seven years of exile with a man she called "Adam," played by Uberhunk, Randolph Scott. At first, Ellen convinces a short guy who works at the shoe store to pretend to be Adam, but she is soon found out when the real Adam spots her at lunch with Nick. Then Nick's jealousy prevents the couple from reconciling and of course, Ellen's still got to find a way to explain to her children that she's their mother.

I enjoyed the film. I tend to enjoy most Cary Grant movies. It lacked a little something, though. It didn't seem to flow right, as if the plot was too manipulated to extend the story's runtime.

Abby - I'm proud to say that Abby fulfilled my wish from last month. Her other upper front tooth fell out this afternoon. Now she has a double wide gap on top, a real holy hole-y smile. I took a decent picture to capture this lack of pearly whites. It'll be in the next album.

TV - I'm also happy to report that BestBuy agreed yesterday to give us an in-store credit for our troublesome Toshiba TV/VCR/DVD combo. We're going to pay the increment and just get this small LCD TV/DVD combo from RCA. Perhaps this TV won't look so oversized in our bedroom. Having all the controls and DVD slot on the top should keep the boys hands out of trouble.

Claire - Tomorrow is Claire's 9th birthday. I'm glad it falls on a Friday. She's having two good friends from school come over to celebrate, one she's known for 2 years and another she just met this school year. Nine years! My little 'bundes' is nine! I'll blink and in another nine she'll be finishing high school.

Michael - After six months of stubbornness and demonstrating super-human bowel control, it looks like Michael is finally starting to get it. He seems to be turning a corner and realizing that it's just not worth it. The only person you hurt by "holding it in" for two days at a time is yourself. Just use the toilet and you'll feel much better. We've only been telling him that since spring! I was starting to wonder whether Timothy was going to be toilet trained before Michael, at least on the BM front.

eBay - Every Friday our office celebrates "Wild Friday's". This week's theme is strangest item found on eBay. I offered the following submissions:

Speaking of the silliness sometimes found on eBay:


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Claire, Happy Birthday toooooo yoooouuuu!!!!
And many more!!!!!
Have a great day!
Uncle Tom

Posted by: Tom at September 16, 2004 10:41 PM

Happy Birthday Claire,
Love Uncle Chris and Aunt Katie

Posted by: Chris & Katie at September 17, 2004 06:47 PM

I told Claire about your birthday wishes. Thanks.

Posted by: Scott at September 18, 2004 11:36 PM

Happy Belated birthday Claire,
Sorry im a little late on the b-day wishes i didnt realize i could say happy birthday over the web site. Soooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!!!

(>")> (>")> Kerby even did a little dance for u. lol

Posted by: D.J.T.J. at September 22, 2004 10:02 PM

D.J.T.J. ?? A new nickname now that you're an 8th grader? 'TJ' wasn't cool enough? I like the email address though...


Did you guys watch the season premiere of 'Smallville'? We plan on watching it tomorrow night. Michelle was too busy painting tonight.

Posted by: Scott at September 22, 2004 10:11 PM

O ya we saw it. It was really cool. The nickname was actually invented by Aunt Suzy so youd have to ask her about that one. i saw the picture of that wierd frog in ur yard and i thought "why couldnt that have been there when i was in new hampshire"

Posted by: D.J.T.J. at September 23, 2004 05:07 PM

Yep, something about the rain leftover from that hurricane really seemed to bring the frogs out. I was swerving to avoid them on the roads the night before. Someone ran over one on our driveway -- that was gross to cleanup. And the one you saw in the photo was near the edge of our property by the brook. Scared the daylights out of Daniel when he suddenly hopped. He ran screaming back toward the house.

Posted by: Scott at September 23, 2004 05:15 PM

hey uncle scott did ya get my picts?

Posted by: D.J.T.J. at September 26, 2004 12:37 PM

Hi TJ,

Yes, I got 'em this morning. I showed them to Michelle and Claire, who both loved them. I'll put them online soon because they were so cool. Thanks again for sending them.

There'll be a bit of delay on my emails because my laptop is going in for some repair. I don't tend to sit down at the computer desk (although I guess I'll have to for the next week or so). I'd gotten so used to being able to be online anywhere in the house... family room, dining room table, sitting on a LazyBoy, etc. So for now I'm accessing my email via a web interface, like Microsoft's HotMail or Yahoo's Mail. I don't like it nearly as much as using an email program but it'll do for now.

Take care, T, and thanks again.

Posted by: Scott at September 26, 2004 06:42 PM