June 26, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 10:46 PM

Good morning! Claire and I are back from a fun Step 'n abs class at Golds. Claire one-upped me by biking to the gym. I drove there. 11:08am

Michelle took the kids to the pool. I'm home working on something for Monday and a bit jealous of the Brits watching the Dr. Who finale now. 1:21pm

Judging by twitter's #doctorwho hashtag, the finale was awesome. Many can't wait until Christmas. 2:42pm

Really underwhelmed by how long my work laptop (with 2 batteries) lasted compared to my MacBook this afternoon. 4:37pm

We're finishing up our dinner at TGIFridays. Green bean fries rock! 6:14pm

I replayed part one of the Dr. Who finale (from last weekend) for Abby and then we watched tonight's part two together. What a story! 8:54pm

Swype, one of my absolute favorite things I've put on my phone this past week. (related link) Coming to iPhone soon. 9:16pm

How could I forget that today is the Feast of St. Josemaria?! (related link) Good night all! 10:02pm

Snapshots I took today:
Thumbnail of Michael & Doodle 
