October 03, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 09:25 PM

Good morning! Evidently this morning's 35°F has broken Michelle. She fetched a bag o' wood pellets and fired up the stove for the first time this season. 7:35am

We're not going to Mass until 10:45 because the girls were asked to switch places with another altar server. I took the family out for a quick breakfast at Donut Fresh Express. Glad to see they're getting their autumn specials out. I had a grilled apple cinnamon muffin and some caramel apple flavored coffee. 10:19am

Some recent OS update nuked my Emacs.app on my MacBook. Trying to rebuild now... 10:22am

Back from Mass. After lunch I'm going to do the lawn again because of the Seattle-like, rainy weather we've had this week. 12:29am

Video: My favorite scene from last week's "Big Bang Theory". Sheldon meets The Woz. 2:10pm

In the mid-afternoon I mowed the lawn. After dinner I took Claire to her first class in the two year Confirmation prep series. She's excited by who her teacher is and who is in the class with her. 9:08pm

My favorite scene from the Doctor Who season finale: "Fezzes are cool". 17 seconds, but oh so funny when you consider how the season opened with The Doctor claiming "bow ties are cool". 9:15pm
