September 07, 2001

Great article on "The Fertility Police"

Posted by Scott at 10:03 PM

After Michelle returned home, I got a chance to look over the CCL Family Foundations. They had a reprint of this great article called Wanted by the Fertility Police. I wanted to share it as one of my picks for the best reading of the week. Very insightful. A few of my favorite quotes from the article:

"Being open to new life and not cooperating with the contraceptive mentality of today's culture makes a Catholic parent a walking sign of contradiction. [...]
In our society, if a woman chooses to abort her baby, the pregnancy and fetal destruction are private matters between only the 'woman and her doctor.' If she has the baby, her decision becomes public property: How closely are your children spaced? Do you intend on having more of them? Are you going to have your tubes tied? [...]
One thing is for certain: Parents, in order to survive, will mellow as they have more children. [...]
Cleaning your house while your children are growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.[...]
It often appears to the worldly that people who accept children lovingly from God are a few cards short of a full deck. Contrary to popular opinion, however, large families know they have something of great value. [...]
Most things in life that are rewarding require much time, effort, and commitment."
The article is a bit long, about a 15 minute read, but insightful and well worth it.
