November 09, 2001

Boatload of summertime pictures

Posted by Scott at 06:30 AM

Here are some photos from this past summer. I had two rolls of 35mm film (how quaint) scanned by dotPhoto. I have to hand it to film (and the Nikon), it does a better job of getting exposure and color casts correct "out of the box". Relative to film, my Nikon camera is a higher model than my Canon is to the digital camera domain. That may explain some of the differences. I would have a lot less digital editting to do if my pictures came out of my Canon digital Elph looking this good.

The pictures start off with photos my dad and I took when we were all at Ogunquit, Maine. Later there are about eight pictures taken by my dad from when he and mom drove to see the Weston Monastary in Weston, Vermont. Toward the end are pictures from Claire's birthday party back in mid September.
