Two days ago it was snowing hard. Yesterday it was 50 degrees. Today it's 18 degrees and windy (more typical Chicago weather in January...).
I was clearing out house pictures from my digital camera. Especially heartbreaking was seeing the pictures of the inside of the house in Bedford we were preparing an offer on. Michelle was saying that she hopes it goes to a good sized family. It would seem a shame if a 3000 sq ft home with 4 generous sized bedrooms and a big back yard would go to a DINK couple.
I was trying to use TurboTax Web last night. For some reason it seems to go through about half a dozen screens and then Internet Explorer crashes. When you log back into TurboTax's web site the process continues where it left off, but it's rather annoying. I'm debating on abandoning the online approach and just buying the TurboTax CD like I've used the past 2 years. I'm hoping to do a set of pictures over the weekend, but taxes have higher priority.
In the "reality funnier than fiction" category here is this story entitled, "AOL mail: OK for others, not itself", where AOL Time Warner is thinking of abandoning the use of AOL for internal email. What news will we find out tomorrow? Perhaps a revelation that IBM/Lotus doesn't use Lotus Notes ?
Quote of the day from Msgr. Escriva in his book The Way:
"Many who would let themselves be nailed to a cross before the astonished gaze of thousands of spectators, won't bear the pinpricks of each day with a christian spirit!
But think, which is the more heroic?"