June 05, 2002

Fr. Richard John Neuhaus insights

Posted by Scott at 05:46 PM

One of my favorite commentators on religious, theological, and spiritual issues, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus (editor of First Things magazine) had an editorial published in USAToday commenting on the recent policies being discussed by the bishops in light of the recent scandals. My favorite part:

The crisis is about more than, as the draft puts it, "the protection of children and young people." The crisis is about fidelity in the church's leadership, which it is the sacred duty of bishops to foster and, when necessary, enforce. The statement several times mentions the April meeting with the Pope. It does not mention what I believe is the most important thing the Pope said in that meeting: The Catholic faithful "must know that bishops and priests are totally committed to the fullness of Catholic truth on matters of sexual morality, a truth as essential to the renewal of the priesthood and the episcopate as it is to the renewal of marriage and family life."

In other words, how can we expect the Catholic people to be faithful to their sacred vows if they know that some, perhaps many, priests and bishops are not faithful to theirs?
