July 12, 2002

New path to my office

Posted by Scott at 10:11 AM

Recently a co-worker gave me a suggestion for yet another alternate way to drive in to work. Until this week I would either take the highway around Milford or the main road through town. This new back road takes about the same amount of time during “rush hour” but it is so scenic! Beautiful homes, the old stone and dual rail fences, horses, cows, little shops, old churches, old cemetaries... very “New England-y”!! This map shows a comparison of the different drives I can take.

It has been gorgeous weather in the northeast these past few days! Clear skies, ~75°-80°, dry with cool evenings. Combined with the beautiful NH trees it reminds me of my summers at Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin. It makes it very hard to want to be at work. I'd rather be at the pool or a nearby lake.

This weekend we have our annual company summer outing at Hampshire Hills. The girls are really looking forward to it. We would join Hampshire Hills (since it is in Milford) but right now we're still dealing with sticker shock over their membership fees. $160/month! We don't pay that in a year at the Merrimack YMCA.

MV Communications says that the ADSL internet connection should be installed somewhere between this weekend and the middle of next week. I should then have a bit of time to do a side by side comparison between their DSL service and Adelphia's cable modem service. While Adelphia has great throughput on large data transfers, their latency and reliability leaves a lot to be desired. Imagine if you turned on your kitchen faucet and nothing came out for a minute. Imagine that then the water came out like a firehose. That's analogous to PowerLink. Sometimes I think things would be more usable with a phone modem than their “PowerLink”. I have my fingers crossed for MV's ADSL service. If it turns out to work more smoothly, I'll likely order DirecTV for television service as well.

A new photo processing shop just opened up on Amherst Street this past month or so. I want to go in soon to check them out. They are hyping their digital services as well. So far I haven't seen a nearby photo processor that would handle digital format images.

I'm going to be making a web page that has family birthdays sorted in calendar order. After forgetting my sister Alyssa's birthday earlier this week, I've determined that I'm just going to make a list that has them all. This way we'll always know who is next.
