October 14, 2002

Mother Nature is trying to torture me

Posted by Scott at 11:24 AM

After raining all weekend, even into Sunday evening, I woke up this Monday morning to beautiful clear and sunny skies. It's not fair. Whaaa!

I stayed up late last night reviewing how I used to do photo albums. I was bit by the tinkering bug to see if there was a way I could make the index thumbnail page load even faster. I don't know what came over me. It was one of those “because it's there” challenges.

Our PCs at work had their "User Profiles" re-init'd over the weekend because we're being moved to one companywide "arc.com" domain (rather than vautomation.com, metaware.com, etc). My applications are all still here, but they're acting like they're being run for the first time. Nearly everything I run has lost its settings. What a pain in the bum!
