Here are a few great quotes we've come across this past week. The first is from the series of mediations called In Conversation with God:
Jesus has an all-encompassing view of creation, of our entire life and of that of our friends. We do not really know how to pray for what are in fact our best interests. Our challenge is for us to want the Will of God in everything, to accept it with joy, to love it no matter how difficult or incomprehensible it appears. This is not the capitulation of the weak before the strong. It is a manifestation of the trust between a son and his Father.There are times when our will coincides with that of God's Will. ... Yet we must not forget that the path to sanctity requires the purification of our will and its self-centered tendencies. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will whisper in the depths of our heart: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways... Jesus himself emphasizes this point: I seek not my own will but the Will of Him who sent me. If only we could always say the same!
Actually Michelle was the first to come across that one and pointed it out to me. Later I came across this quote from the famous Bishop Fulton Sheen in describing the difference between blarney and boloney:
To tell a woman who is forty, “You look like sixteen,” is boloney. The blarney way of saying it is “Tell me how old you are, I should like to know at what age women are most beautiful. ”Smooth! I knew Bishop Sheen always had a way with words, but you have to wonder when he got to use a line like that?!