January 31, 2003

Temporary service outage

Posted by Scott at 07:53 PM

Bilikfamily.com was down for about a day because Adelphia changed the Internet IP addresses for Milford overnight. This hasn't happened since we moved to Milford. It was something I was concerned about when I shifted the site to being served out of the house. It was funny that someone had just asked me yesterday if I had experienced any issues with IP addresses shifting by my provider. If it happens more than once or twice a year, I may look into using DynDNS.org. They specialize in helping cable/DSL modem owners if their IP address changes too frequently.

Aren't you glad we don't control weapons systems from the Internet? Time to launch? Sorry, a Microsoft network worm is clogging the internet routers with bogus packets (last weekend's episode). Sorry, the IP address of the control system has changed (today's issue). Today we also get news that a sneaky tool is taking over IE browsers and ruining people's computers. Be on the lookout for that one. It's the nastiest piece of spyware I've seen yet.

Tonight Michelle and the girls went to the Infant Jesus annual parish volunteer appreciation dinner. I figured it was only fair since two years ago I went by myself since Michelle had just delivered the twins the day before. It gave me the time to followup on my hunches of why our computer wasn't reachable from the outside internet.


I had that Xupitor thing and it was horrible. You could not unistll it becasue windows always said it was in use. It did everything the article talked about. The way i removeed it was to start teh computer in safe mode and delete everything. After that i was good again.

Posted by: Scott at February 1, 2003 08:07 AM

From what I've read, it sounds really nasty. It seems like some of the worst spyware / annoyware comes "for free" alongside the peer-to-peer filesharing software. Kazaa was another that I thought had some spyware.
Every once and a while I'm glad to be off the mainstream of virus' by using a Mac. I'm not saying using a Mac is nirvana, but it's been not the target of many virii.
BTW, in the comment block, where it says "Name", they mean your name, not mine. ;-)
Got an email from dad this morning and it sounds like you should have a nice time at the dinner tonight.
I heard you've been doing some computer support for Elizabeth in her new "business". How's that going? Will dad be buying you a new BMW SUV to match hers? *grin*
It's good to see the DNS update seems to be propagating.

Posted by: Scott at February 1, 2003 12:23 PM