School burns - The big scandal/controversy in Milford this week is that the old (mostly unused) Garden Street School burned early Monday morning. Many years ago this was a high school, and up until two years ago it was an elementary school. The school district was about to donate the property if the voters approved the building of a new police station. That vote is today, Tuesday. I had already decided to vote in favor of a new police station, which will cost nearly $3 million, because the current Milford police station is an embarrassment. There is an air of suspicion about the building going up in a blaze the day before the vote. As they say, "what are the odds?" Meanwhile, I'm wondering, will this reduce the cost of putting a police station at that site?
[Updated 10 P.M.]
Brakes - Back in January my car had service because the 'check engine' light was on indicating an emission control problem. At that time I also had them clean the battery terminals and do a 45K service. Part of that 45K service included changing the brake fluid. Approximately one month after that my brake warning light went on. Checking the fluid I saw that it was a bit low and added a few ounces. A week and a half later it occurred again and soon after a third time. I figured that the technicians must have not sealed things properly when they drained, filled, and bled the brake hydraulics system. I dropped it off this morning and a few hours later they called back confirming that a small amount of fluid was leaking from the brake fluid bleeder screw. They cleaned the threads, put some teflon tape on the screw, and bled the system again. Admirably there was no charge since this issue occurred due to their negligence. Hopefully that solves the problem.
Bl. Gianna - It was September 2002 when Donna Gerrits gave me this book about Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla. I had read a few chapters but then it moved to the back burner for a while. Lately, though, I've had a resurgence of interest in reading books by saints or about their lives. A little over a week ago I picked this book back up and continued where I had left off. I finished it tonight. I was most inspired by her courtship, marriage, and life as a mother. Like many saints recognized for great sacrifices, her final sacrifice was preceded by a lifetime of love, generosity, and selflessness in the service of more 'ordinary' day to day living -- wife, mother, etc. Reading her story reminded me of how noble married, family life can be.
Men invent new ideals because they dare not attempt old ideals. They look forward with enthusiasm, because they are afraid to look back.
-- G.K. Chesterton
I don't get the quote of the day- is that saying that it is bad to look forward? Is it criticizing people for new ideas? Sorru I am clueless! Alyssa
Oh- how is Timbo doing?
No, he's not saying new ideas are bad. Remember he wrote at a time when many ideas like socialism, communism, and eugenics where in vogue. Many ideas were being thrown about regarding how society should function and what type of government we should have. As with today, part of the intrigue was in their novelty rather than in what they would actually cause to happen. In a similar vain he also wrote "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried."
Lil' Timbo is doing better. I hear less moaning and heavy breathing from him at night. He's become much better at taking his medicine. He's sleeping more soundly when he does go down. I wouldn't say he has fully recovered, but he's on his way.
Have fun on you upcoming vacation. Hope Kyle does well with mom. Write about it when you get back.
Posted by: Scott at March 10, 2004 05:30 AM