March 13, 2004


Posted by Scott at 07:12 AM

Amish - I post this one because mom and dad always make a stop in Amish communities on their way back home. I do admire these people very much, because I love tradition and the strong sense of community, and respect anyone who has guts enough to go against the status quo of our decadent society. Nonetheless, it's a cute list.


  1. Sometimes stays in bed till after 6AM.
  2. In his sock drawer, you find pictures of women without bonnets.
  3. Shows up at barn raisings in full 'Kiss' makeup.
  4. When you criticize him, he yells, 'Thou suck!'
  5. His name is Jebediah, but he goes by 'Jeb Daddy.'
  6. Defiantly says, 'If I had a radio, I'd listen to rap.'
  7. You come upon his secret stash of colorful socks.
  8. Uses slang expression: 'Talk to the hand, cause the beard ain't listening.'
  9. Was recently pulled over for 'driving under the influence of cottage cheese.'
  10. He's wearing his big black hat backwards

Birthday - Belated Happy Birthday wishes to my brother-in-law, Tom. “Many happy returns of the day” as Pooh and Piglet might say. While he had his birthday off yesterday, I'm sure it was predominantly filled with getting ready for the Tarpey vacation.

TiVo - Our second TiVo arrived yesterday. Unfortunately the television that it was meant for is still being repaired at BestBuy. After being on hold and getting disconnected three times last weekend, I finally got to talk to a real Human Being(tm) who told me that it was awaiting parts.

Piano - Michelle joyfully announced that our Yamaha Clavinova is now paid off. She can deal with monthly car payments and mortgage payments, but isn't to thrilled about monthly payments of a musical instrument. It's not that she doesn't think it's a neat instrument. She just wishes they cost less.

Timothy - Lil' Timbo seems to be doing better. I occasionally still hear a hearty cough from him, but other than that, he's his smiley, get-into-everything self again.

Work - Things are still in a strange limbo at work. Six weeks ago they said we should know where things are going by the end of February. Monday is the Ides of March. Perhaps then? In the meantime, all kinds of discussions are going on and I really can't talk much about it. I'll write the moment I know and I can say. But for now in the words of late Sgt. Schultz, “I know nothing”
