iBook - Friday evening my laptop died. While we have the iMac, 99% of my writing (and email and web browsing) is typically done on the iBook. Apple is going to fix it at no cost (see here for details) and it's being shipped out today. My writing frequency tends to slow down quite a bit when I have to sit at the desk. I guess it reminds me too much of work. So if I don't write much over the next several days, you know why.
Update (30 Sep) - My iBook just returning this morning. Wow! That was fast! The wonders of overnight delivery services... More updates to follow tonight after I catchup on several days of "stuff".
Is there anyway you could put my wedding pics back up? I want to show some people at work. If you hae already gottne rid of them, no big deal.
Hi Chris,
Actually all the stuff from 2+ years ago is still around, but I haven't been good about getting the old albums linked back in. In any case if you use this URL, you'll find them.
Ahhhh... dial up the wayback machine.
Posted by: Scott at September 29, 2004 07:07 PM