October 25, 2004

Why I can't take Bill Maher seriously...

Posted by Scott at 05:37 PM

Bill Maher was interviewed on the CBC recently. Every time I see him (on Jay Leno, Politically Incorrect, etc.) he drives me crazy with the "anyone who doesn't see things my way is an idiot" tone. Here's some choice examples:

Maher: “Johnny Depp said this was a stupid country. And then he made me very mad and he took it back. Well, I say it. I don't take it back. It's stupid. Really stupid.”

(referring to religion)
Maher: “To me, to me it's a real dividing line between people of intelligence and – not that there haven't been some intelligent people who are religious. I mean, T.S. Elliott was a great poet and he became a very devout Catholic… But I always call religion a neurological disorder. I really do believe that. I mean it's not criticizing. I'm just saying if you took religion out of it and somebody went to a psychiatrist and said you know I believe in you know this crazy, illogical thing, the shrink would say, well you have a neurological disorder. And you need to really get therapy or take a pill.”

James Lileks dissects Bill's comments here. (about half way down)
