Op-Ed - Finally we have an op-ed in the Nashua Telegraph that I can whole-heartedly agree with:
Stop proliferation of Dunkin’ Donuts in Nashua, Hudson
A blight is spreading across Hudson and Nashua. It is called the drive-through Dunkin’ Donuts.
I think DD's strategy is to saturate every mile of this region so that competitors (Starbucks, Crispy Creme, etc.) can't find a street corner to build on!
Storm - Tonight represents the calm before the storm. We're supposed to get some ugly precipitation tomorrow: sleet, freezing rain. I wonder if they'll cancel school because of the tricky driving conditions. Ironically, it's going to be incredibly warm on Thursday.
Four-in-a-row - Tonight I taught Abby how to play Four in a Row aka Connect Four. It's one of the games included in the Gameboy Ultimate Brain Games cartridge. This past week or two I've had her playing Reversi and thought she could use a change of pace.
Christian - This weekend one of my college roommates, Christian, comes for a visit along with his wife and son. His son was born within days of Timothy, so it should be interesting to see the two together.
Leapster - Michelle bought a second Leapster this morning. Both twins like the Leapster from Christmas and are not yet skilled in the art of sharing. Unlike cars, trains, building blocks, sharing a Leapster is a bit tricky. Strangely enough, the unopened box we got was missing the 'included' game cartridge.
Apple - In case you missed the technology news today, Apple's Steve Jobs gave his awaited keynote at MacWorld. It's here that he rolls out the new products and is famous for his understated "oh yeah, just one more thing". In years past he's rolled out iMacs, iPods, the iTunes Music Store, etc. during these keynote speeches. Today's big announcements included the iPod Shuffle, the Mac mini, and iWork. Also, their notable multimedia home application suite, iLife, got a major revision update. If anything, I think he's trying to position Apple's products as providing some low cost options. The iPod Shuffle starts at $99; the Mac mini, $499.