The one hour shift in autumn has its pros and cons. On the plus side when I drive home from work, the sun isn't in my eyes. The negative side is that the sun has already set and I spend a lot of time driving the back roads of Massachusetts and New Hampshire in the dark. Unlike the suburbs of the big cities, there are no lights on those winding roads. Not that I speed, but I always worry that there's a policeman eager to meet his or her monthly quota. Tonight as I was driving north of Pepperell, I saw a doe that was scurrying along the shoulder of the road. If this is what I see on my first night, I hope the future ones aren't as startling.
I forgot to mention one item from the past weekend. Michelle gave the three boys their regular haircuts — what my mom calls their 'convict' haircuts. Well, I decided to be brave and show some solidarity with the twins. I had my hair chopped to the same length as their hair. Perhaps I'll have Michelle take a picture of me in the next couple of days so there's some record of it.
During some random surfing today I came across this tidbit in the 'urban dictionary'. On this page some rather bitter folks give their definition of the iPod. The definitions dwell on the cost vs. features and compares owners to mindless lemmings who buy it merely for the 'cool' factor. While the complaints are pretty numerous, I bought mine in November of 2004 after hearing the experiences of my friend, Will. He had owned a few MP3 players prior to buying his iPod. He found his iPod to be his best audio experience after numerous incidents with its non-Apple predecessors. Now that it's been a few years, there are probably plenty of players that operate as smoothly. Even the MP3 capability of my Garmin Nuvi GPS is decent by modern standards... Still, I got a chuckle out of some of the iPod "definitions".