September 08, 2007

Where Ya' Been?

Posted by Scott at 09:00 PM

I know, I know. It's been about two weeks since I've posted anything here. To some credit I have been keeping the little 'microblog' in the lower right hand corner (aka Twitter) updated fairly regularly with little bits and bobs. I just haven't been in a mood to write anything substantial lately.

So as seems to be tradition when I'm behind, here are the bulleted highlights:

  • Michelle is about to add the Milford Golds Gym to her teaching of step aerobics. She'll keep teaching in Merrimack, as she's developed several good friendships there.
  • The twins have started full day, five days a week school now that they are in first grade. They complain nearly every morning when it's time to prepare. “It takes too long!”
  • Timothy is in school three half days a week in the morning. He has a little girl friend in his class with bilateral microtia, whereas he has unilateral microtia. Still, Michelle says it's cute to see them together. Who knew he'd be such a heart breaker at an early age!
  • I think that since Timothy is without his older brothers more lately, he's having a harder time keeping himself busy. This past week or so, he's really been giving Michelle a run for her money when he decides to get in one of his moods.
  • Abby's job seems to be making sure the twins don't forget where they're supposed to get off during the bus ride. Once they almost missed their stop and once Michael did. “Hello, McFly?!”
  • Claire started middle school. It's a bit scary seeing her get on the bus since that bus covers kids in grades 6 through 12! Luckily, most older kids don't bother with the bus.
  • Friday Michelle came within foot of totaling a guy talking on a cell phone in a Mini Cooper as he carelessly pulled out in front of her. I'm sure he must have been startled to see a large Odyssey bumper about to crash through his driver side door.
  • I have some pictures from the first day of school sitting in the camera. If it is rainy tomorrow, I may get them out and post them tomorrow. Until then, take care…