Dropped Claire off and had a smooth drive in. I have to skip today's gym class because of a customer issue.
Corporate IT is blocking the whole internet at the moment. We're hoping it's just a configuration mistake.
Ah, phew! IT rebooted the "inappropriate material" firewall. I'm told it has a "if I'm broken, block everything" default setting. Yikes!
As annoying as gas prices have been, it could be worse. We could, like China, try (try) to control the price. (related link)
For a change of pace I went to the nearby Hannaford (grocery store) salad bar and made one to bring back to the office for lunch.
Finished helping Michael with his reading and Claire with her science homework. Soon I'm off to help at RCIA.
Back from RCIA class. Tonight's topic: the history & development of the New Testament writings, and next Sunday's theme of the Resurrection.
News item: "overweight people have a lower death rate than people who are normal weight, underweight or obese." (related link)