Beginning of a three day weekend for the kids. Perhaps me too? Michelle cut hair for us boys. I'm heading out to the local Golds soon.
The family is about to have dinner in "the nice dining room". Here's a quick snapshot. (related link)
Just got finished giving the twins a bath before dinner while the girls setup the dining room and prepared dinner.
The kids finished dinner. It was sort of a "practice behaving" before Thanksgiving dinner. The girls went all out on the meal prep too.
As I was getting Timothy ready for bed, he suddenly had a bloody nose. As it subsided I read him 2 bedtime stories before putting him down.
Spent a few moments updating my two year old web avatar. Since I usually take the pictures in this house, there aren't many available of me.
In 1/2 hr we'll watch the episode of "Hannah Montana" that Disney has been hyping like crazy, where Billy Ray Cyrus dates Heather Locklear.
Spent some time uploading recent photos, ordering 4x6's and 5x7's, and a couple of customized mugs at