December 07, 2007

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Dropping Claire off at school and then taking Timothy with me to Mass while Michelle meets with a teacher. Later working from home. 06:48am

Following an internal discussion about a significant ambiguity in the OpenGL-ES graphics API standard and how it should be interpreted... 09:22am

I gave curious Timothy a quick tutorial on how to use a Kill A Watt(tm) power meter to measure power consumption of devices. He's intrigued. 09:44am

I went to the Merrimack YMCA for lunch. Michelle made me a meatball sub when I returned. Now I'm back online VPN'd to the office network. 02:45pm

Heading out w/the family to the monthly parish Pot Luck dinner. 05:47pm

Back from the parish dinner. We have the boys in bed now. I'm going to try a third time to GIMP/Photoshop something for the Christmas card. 07:46pm

I think this 3rd attempt at a Christmas card is something Michelle will like. There's not much time if we're going to get it in the mail... 09:08pm

Gettin' blurry eyed again. Time to click 'Refresh' once more on iTunes' podcasts, pick a good one, and fall asleep. 09:17pm
