As predicted, nearly every school in the area is closed and Michelle isn't teaching Step today. (related link)
This morning I showed the kids the final results of my photo editing of 'Killer Jingle' & they broke out laughing. (related link)
Who-hoo! Got an email: our office is closed today. I do have one lil' thing to look into via VPN, but otherwise I can focus on snow removal.
Went to take the trash out and there's already 5-6 inches of snow on the ground. Will need to do a first pass cleaning in about an hour.
Logging out from the office and going to head outside. I'm going to emit lots of carbon dioxide and remove lots of snow.
While there are some scattered patterns on the Doppler to our west, the bulk of the storm is behind us. I cleared about 8 inches of snow.
My eleven year old Toro dual stage snowthrower keeps on going, usually starting on the first pull.
For once I got to sit by the fireplace & enjoy a newspaper for an hour. I just saw a plow pass by in the other direction, so it won't last.
For the past month our town has been keeping 8 year old Jaiden Tlapa in their thoughts and prayers. (related link)
Today came the news that she died. (related link)
We're all watching the first "National Treasure" on DVD. It certainly makes generous use of Dolby 5.1.