January 14, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

As predicted, nearly every school in the area is closed and Michelle isn't teaching Step today. (related link) 06:32am

This morning I showed the kids the final results of my photo editing of 'Killer Jingle' & they broke out laughing. (related link) 06:34am

Who-hoo! Got an email: our office is closed today. I do have one lil' thing to look into via VPN, but otherwise I can focus on snow removal. 08:32am

Went to take the trash out and there's already 5-6 inches of snow on the ground. Will need to do a first pass cleaning in about an hour. 09:55am

Logging out from the office and going to head outside. I'm going to emit lots of carbon dioxide and remove lots of snow. 11:42am

While there are some scattered patterns on the Doppler to our west, the bulk of the storm is behind us. I cleared about 8 inches of snow. 02:03pm

My eleven year old Toro dual stage snowthrower keeps on going, usually starting on the first pull. 02:04pm

For once I got to sit by the fireplace & enjoy a newspaper for an hour. I just saw a plow pass by in the other direction, so it won't last. 04:05pm

For the past month our town has been keeping 8 year old Jaiden Tlapa in their thoughts and prayers. (related link) 06:24pm

Today came the news that she died. (related link) 06:25pm

We're all watching the first "National Treasure" on DVD. It certainly makes generous use of Dolby 5.1. 06:59pm
