January 20, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Back home from Mass and breakfast. The lector read the wrong readings today. Whaddya do under that circumstance? Raise your hand? ;-) 08:54am

We talked with the girls about being altar servers. There's a real shortage of them for the 7am service. Can't imagine why... 08:55am

<geeky>Been playing with linux derived OSX MP3 command line MP3 players. Can't find one that plays anything not stereo/44.1kHz. ie. podcasts. 10:28am

Timothy and I went out to run a few quick errands. It's a balmy 22°F here mid-afternoon. It's going to be a chilly game for the Patriots. 02:16pm

Michelle gave us boys all fresh haircuts. Boys are watching a bit of the Super Sleuths; I'm watching the Patriots vs Chargers. 03:17pm

<geeky>Got mpd and ncmpc running on my iBook. Old sk00l MP3 playin' goodness. ;-) (related link) and (related link) 03:36pm

Congrats to the New England Patriots! 18 — 0! AFC champions! Onto the SuperBowl... 06:15pm

Did a little more study of the Python programming/scripting language before the eyes got heavy and I decided to call it a night... 09:27pm
