February 03, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Happy 5th birthday to Mighty Timbo. (related link) 07:33am

Michelle and I are doing split shifts for Mass this morning. She's at 7am Mass w/the girls. I'm going to 8:30 Mass. 07:34am

After Mass the twins and I went to get our throats blest. Michelle is taking the girls to get new moccasins. 10:50am

Played a few Wii Sports with Timothy. Now just folding laundry while Michelle runs out for coffee. We hope to bowl later. 02:10pm

Man! Matching white socks in a household of seven... We should use that technique at Gitmo! "OK! I'll talk, I'll talk!" 02:53pm

After a chili dinner, gave the twins a bath, did a workout, and the kids finished up Shrek the Third. Peeked in on the 'Bowl for a while. 09:03pm
