February 25, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Often when I go to bed early, I wake up in the middle of the night. Such was not my problem last night. I was out from 7:30pm - 5:00am. 05:34am

Cleaned the stoves, took out the trash, pounding down some breakfast, and heading down to Marlborough. 06:48am

Saw 10°F on the way down. Hard to believe it'll be ~45°F later. Realized en route I forgot my gym bag. Perhaps the elliptical tonight? 09:11am

Best quote of the day: "[Microsoft] Vista is worse than purgatory. At least with purgatory, you know it gets better." -- Father Roderick 09:13am

Ordered a few new audiobooks for my commutes in the upcoming month or two. Still eyeball deep in simulation regression debug... 10:56am

Back from a lunch w/coworkers at the local Marlborough Boston Market. Didn't have much of an appetite so I just had the Side Item Sampler. 01:01pm

It would have been hard to believe early this morning, but it was a balmy 45°F outside. Felt so nice to just wear a light jacket again. 01:04pm

After too many hours of debug, my simulation regressions finally passed. Now I can do some "Real Engineering"(tm) again. 02:48pm

Ran out to the local FourBucks, I mean Starbucks, to get a hot drink to celebrate finally getting this annoying issue solved. 03:18pm

Testing ability of "twittering-mode.el" to update my Twitter status 04:37pm

Had a smooth commute home while listening to a TWiT podcast. Going to read with Michael after I finish this dinner. 06:15pm

I have to keep reminding myself not to measure Michael by his identical twin brother Daniel. 07:04pm

We're remembering back to when we'd have "pout contests" to help cheer up Abby when she was in a grumpy mood. 07:41pm

I still can't believe Verizon is getting out of the land line and DSL Internet business. 07:48pm
