Having been born on a military installation outside the US, McCain may have legal issues becoming President?!? (related link)
Here's a story that explains why I'm suspect of moving too much to solar & wind for "renewable energy". (related link)
Looks like we got a bit of light snow overnight, but Michelle says she and the kids will take care of it. Hopefully roads are clear...
Looking at more pictures emailed overnight from the Florida trip two weeks ago. Have to show to Michelle and the kids later...
Back from lunch w/3 co-workers at the Marlborough 99. I tried their Crispy Fish Tacos. Not bad, 'cept for The Evil Red Fruit (ie. tomatoes).
It looks like this afternoon I get to dust off/refresh some work I did in January last year. Perhaps now it'll be "new and improved". ;-)
Hmm... Blu-ray wins the hi-def DVD wars and suddenly Amazon is out of stock on Playstation 3's. No small coincidence there, eh?
Heading home. Tonight should be a "date night". Tomorrow will be a vacation day because Michelle is getting her very first dental crown.
Smooth commute home but eating in tonight. Claire is still driving back from an "Extreme Home Makeover" in Massachusetts, so we're stuck.
Michelle is venting about a recent Oprah episode where she highlights "freegans" & minimizing consumption. Hey Oprah, you first...
Michelle & Abby are playing SuperMarioGalaxy. I'm just doing a little cell phone tweaking. Perhaps work on my mobile site later...
Claire's home now. I added more wall paper to my cell phone, tweaked the mobile web site a bit, eyes are gettin' heavy. So until tomorrow...