March 10, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Smooth commute in and had a good workout at the Marlborough Golds Gym. I hadn't been to that gym in several weeks. Great class. 10:46am

Since I finished The Dolorous Passion last Friday, I started on Anne Rice's new book on today's commute. (related link) 10:48am

Smooth commute home, enjoying my new novel. Just finished helping the twins after their bath. Now for a bite of dinner... 06:42pm

"Chicago to turn off lights for one hour on Mar 29" (related link) Scott to get major eye muscle cramp from excess rolling. 07:55pm

Weblog post: "Road to Cana" (related link) where I give a prelim review of Anne Rice's new novel from what I've read thus far. 10:49pm

I spent much too much time messing around with The GIMP. I am so going to feel like a zombie tomorrow when I get up for work... 11:03pm
