Smooth commute in. Finished Anne Rice's new book near the end of the drive. It was well done.
This is the greatest gas vs diesel price disparity I've ever seen. Gas: $3.09 Diesel: $4.09.
BTW folks, Happy Pi Day (3/14). Particularly geeky folks further honor 1:59:27 but that might be taking it too far...
Why am I not surprised? Corporate IT is blocking Jabber/GTalk as well... sigh
Back from a nice lunch at Lazio w/3 coworkers. Back to diving into debug...
I'm swimming in a sea of digital logic gates trying to figure out what's X'ing up a failing simulation, thinking I should call it a week.
Had a smooth commute home. I started my next audiobook, a much shorter one, by Scott Hahn. (related link)
Dropped Claire off for a sleepover, the boys are now tucked in bed, Michelle & Abby are having fun doing puzzles on Wii Big Brain Academy.
I'm going to take advantage of the quiet time for some reading and study. Knowing me, I'll be dozing in half an hour.
My Twitter updates have been reset to 'Protected'. I've changed my daily archive script at my website to accommodate it.