March 26, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Sluggish driving as I got to the last miles of the commute. Started a new audio book this morning. (related link) 8:48am

As I was dropping Claire off at school, I noticed her skin is clearing up from the allergic rash she had developed from the amoxicillin. 8:49am

Sometimes the ability of the internet to facilitate rapid collaboration, even internationally, still amazes me even after all these years. 11:02am

Who-hoo! Pidgin (the IM client) supports SOCKS 5 Internet proxies. I'm saved from our IT firewalls. 11:13am

Back from yet another graphics "Lunch 'n Learn". This week's topic: different methods of anti-aliasing. Mental circuit breaker popped a ... 1:33pm

<geek>Eureka! I finally understand the difference between supersampling and multi-sample antialiasing.</geek> 2:03pm

Renewed subscription at (related link) for another year. I've used the service for years... 2:35pm

Always love it when I have a conference call after 4pm. It guarantees a late departure for home... 5:17pm

When I left for the office, there was a fresh dusting of overnight snow on the ground. When I left for home, it was 55°F and sunny. 6:40pm

Dried and dressed the twins after their bath. I need to down a quick dinner and then head over to St. Patrick's for RCIA/Mystagogy. 6:42pm

Back from RCIA. Tonight we reviewed the candidates' Easter Triduum experiences, this weekend's readings, & a bit about Divine Mercy Sunday. 9:27pm
