Michael has had two cases of Hyper Accelerated Reverse Peristalsis (harp'ing) this morning. The second time he even got it all in a bucket.
I took the other 4 kids to Mass & breakfast. I brought Michelle back a coffee & a bear claw pastry. Michael is still not fully recovered.
Truly laughing out loud (LOL) at the Papist Picture of the Day (but more importantly, the caption). (related link)
Spring is here and our brook is flowing steadily. (related link)
Poor Michael. Not well enough to go out, but too bored to stay in bed. (related link)
With Michael's stomach still recovering, we're not going to head out for dinner. Instead I'm about to pick up pizzas from Valentino's.
Spoke w/my dad while supervising Daniel & Timothy playing by our brook. I'm excited to see my folks in about a week, weather permitting.
I hadn't backed up my site's content since August 2006?! Bad papa! 4 1/2 megabytes of text data now archived -- just in case.
Once again amazed at the cool things one can do with Yahoo Pipes. It is a great information filter for things you like to monitor.
I've lost count of how many recent Sundays have been plagued by an illness in the Bilik household. Hopefully not when the folks visit soon!