Heading to Mass with Claire & Abby. It's their 2nd time serving. Michelle & the boys will come by later... closer to the 7am start time.
Back from 7am Mass and breakfast. Father Don complimented our girls on their first time actively serving at the altar as acolytes.
Michelle is helping the girls stain the big swingset. The boys are racing. I'm about to sit on the porch and read. Gorgeous weather outside!
Looking at today's Random Picture of the day and remembering all of the "you have your hands full" comments. (related link)
Timothy & I ran an errand to find a decent "detail trimmer" for when Michelle gives us boys our haircuts.
I'm at Adams Park in Peterborough with the boys while Michelle and Abby are browsing around the shops.
Now we're having a late lunch/ early dinner at Gary's Harvest in Wilton.
Back from the meal. We practiced reading with the twins. Now just taking it easy for a bit. Claire's at a 1st Communion party.
I've been refreshing my memory on how I used to run MovableType locally on Mac OSX with it's built in web server. It's been years...
I've been slowly experimenting with transferring my stable MovableType installation to my iBook. May use .Mac as a host for static content.