Getting the kids up to head out to Mass & breakfast. Looks to be a nice day. Sunny w/highs in the mid 70s. Going to a birthday party later.
Can I get a grant to study why young boys will compulsively chase each other in indoor spaces of >50 sq ft, but not in an open yard?
Loud, straight pipe exhausts are getting ticketed here in Milford, NH. (related link)
Sitting out on the screened porch, reading this week's edition of "The Wanderer".
If under the so-called "NOPEC" bill, you can be sued for artificially restricting the production of oil, can we now sue the U.S. government?
With the kids on one of those inflateable bounce castles. Now we're going on a walk.
Got home from the party a couple of hours ago. I watched a couple of episode's of Nickelodeon's H2O w/the girls. (related link)