Worked together w/Michelle to update the Netflix queue. These past six months there hasn't been much released suitable for the family.
Well, enough dawdling on The Internets(tm). Time to get ready for the commute. At least it's Friday and looking like a beautiful day.
Dropped Claire off and smooth commute in. Man! Green trees, 65°F, & not a cloud in the sky. Listened to MBW #91. (related link)
I'll need to check when I get back, but my Nano did not sync my usual "Drive" playlist so I just picked MBW because it's a long podcast.
Reading Investors Business Daily (indirectly) taking some wind out of Michael Moore's "Sicko" (related link)
My unix "module load" command generates a core fault?! It's going to be another one of those tool debug days (rather than design debug)
Back from a "lunch 'n learn" on Microsoft DX11 and the implications it had on the upcoming ATI R800 series architecture.
Been inside all day amidst this gorgeous New England weather. Stepped outside for a run to St. Arbucks for an über foo-foo coffee.
Smooth drive home. Simple dinner. The boys are 'Karting while I research Perl packages for Amazon S3 interfacing.
Well, tonight's been a mixed bag. I read the transcript of a recent Papal audience, played w/another S3 tool, & studied MovableType(tm).
Alas, I've had enough! After a tech frustrating day, it's time to climb into bed w/my sweetie & get some rest. ¡Hasta mañana amigos!