May 30, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Worked together w/Michelle to update the Netflix queue. These past six months there hasn't been much released suitable for the family. 6:02am

Well, enough dawdling on The Internets(tm). Time to get ready for the commute. At least it's Friday and looking like a beautiful day. 6:27am

Dropped Claire off and smooth commute in. Man! Green trees, 65°F, & not a cloud in the sky. Listened to MBW #91. (related link) 9:02am

I'll need to check when I get back, but my Nano did not sync my usual "Drive" playlist so I just picked MBW because it's a long podcast. 9:06am

Reading Investors Business Daily (indirectly) taking some wind out of Michael Moore's "Sicko" (related link) 9:24am

My unix "module load" command generates a core fault?! It's going to be another one of those tool debug days (rather than design debug) 9:42am

Back from a "lunch 'n learn" on Microsoft DX11 and the implications it had on the upcoming ATI R800 series architecture. 1:42pm

Been inside all day amidst this gorgeous New England weather. Stepped outside for a run to St. Arbucks for an über foo-foo coffee. 3:17pm

Smooth drive home. Simple dinner. The boys are 'Karting while I research Perl packages for Amazon S3 interfacing. 7:34pm

Well, tonight's been a mixed bag. I read the transcript of a recent Papal audience, played w/another S3 tool, & studied MovableType(tm). 9:17pm

Alas, I've had enough! After a tech frustrating day, it's time to climb into bed w/my sweetie & get some rest. ¡Hasta mañana amigos! 9:20pm
