Working from home today. Michelle & I will drop off my Jetta for an oil change, inspection, and tire rotation.
Michelle & I dropped off the car, dropped off the kids at school, and took a class at the Milford Golds. Back to geekin'...
I am annoyed at myself for forgetting to give the mechanic the keys for my wheels. Michelle will drop it off soon when she picks up Timothy.
After picking my car back up, swung by Donut Fresh Express for a hot drink, and am back debugging.
BTW, VW approved Pentosynth diesel grade motor oil is wicked expensive stuff. (related link) Times five quarts!
My paystub is available on the company intranet as a PDF, all in Courier. It takes 20x longer to load than it would in plain, vanilla HTML.
Excited. In about an hour I'll head over to my friend Will's house and we'll see "Prince Caspian" at Chunky's cinema/pub.
Enjoyed seeing 'Caspian' with Will. My memories of the story are fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure they took several liberties with the story.