Smooth commute in with the usual prayer and Scripture followed by more audio book time.
I'm sneezing a bit more than usual. Based on no scientific evidence whatsoever I'm going to blame it on all of the recent rain and humidity.
My boss emailed to confirm he was also having problems w/my Jawbone2 headset. He's wondering whether mine was defective from the factory.
According to pingdom (related link) Twitter's uptime has been getting better. ~1.6% downtime this month and last.
About to get ASDFGHJKL imprinted on my forehead if I don't get up, go to the office kitchen, & make a cup o' Joe. Too stormy to go outside.
Ah, don't you love seeing Doppler radar go from green to yellow to orange to RED! It is comin' DOWN out there! And heading east...
Had to take a detour on the commute home. Found that an old tattered road has been recently re-surfaced. Cool!
Michael read to me "The Bookstore Ghost" (related link) Now he's rejoined his siblings downstairs playing Wii Boogie.
Trying to research 18th century Samuel Johnson but getting distracted by Abby trying to sing "Brick House". 36-24-36...what a winning hand!
Abby has her friend Meghan sleeping over. The three girls are having fun with karaoke on Wii Boogie. (related link)
I'm tellin' ya': you have not laughed until you've seen an eight year old girl try to karaoke to "Fergalicious". (related link)
OMG! The three girls are all singing "We are family". Well, I don't know if it counts as singing, but it's cute as anything.