Should be asleep but had too many middle of the night sneezes induced by a hay fever'ish reaction to all of the yard work yesterday.
Saw this picture (related link) and thought of my late grandfather proudly boasting of his lack of knowledge about computers.
Back from Mass & breakfast. Watched Olympic gymnastics highlights from last night. Thanks TiVo! Planning on hitting the town pool soon.
Just back from a fun time at the Milford pool. Lifeguards shut it down about 5 minutes after we left because of rumbles of thunder.
Created a new ring tone for my phone based on The Pretenders, "My City was Gone". Perhaps you recognize it? (related link)
Michelle & the girls are trying out the new Chinese buffet that opened up in Granite Town Plaza. The boys couldn't be torn from gaming.
Since we ate a late lunch/early dinner and it's raining yet again (!!), we took the kids to Gary's Harvest in Wilton for ice cream and pies.
New weblog post - "The 700 Club" (related link)
While writing the weekend wrapup, I've been enjoying watching the USA women's gymnastics (Claire's main interest). In hi-def it's amazing!