August 31, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:45 PM

Back from Mass & breakfast. The girls served today. Prayers for those near Gustav. Now need to get things ready to mow. It's been 2 weeks. 9:36am

Up here in New England we're already seeing that change where apple and pumpkin themes dominate. It's my favorite time of year! 9:43am

Earplugs are out. Tractor is put away. Time to shower and have some lunch. And then... go to the lake? Hmmmm... Sounds good to me! 12:42am

Latest word is that President Bush is heading to Texas to monitor hurricane situation up close and will miss the RNC convention. 1:05pm

Gonna read more of "Jesus of Nazareth" by that Ratzinger guy. Michelle is taking Abigail to the grand opening of the new "Michael's Crafts". 1:46pm

Gave Michelle some balance (& humor) to what the media has been saying about Palin at (related link) 6:11pm

As has been happening predictably every time I've cut grass this summer, my nose has been sneezing a lot for the last few hours. Hay fever. 10:17pm
