Brr! 34°F/1°C outside, but it will warm up nicely. The kids have delayed start for school today so I just need to head into work.
Dawdled a bit 'cause Claire used her extra time from the delayed start to make us pancakes! Time to hit the road and listen to Pope B16.
Smooth drive in. Still awestruck when listening to Ratzinger's works. He is such a teacher!
Listening to recent Fr. Seraphim podcasts while having issues with one of my CAD tools. Argh!
Back from a salad bar lunch. Gorgeous outside! Wish I had a novel, could sit outside, and soak it up.
It appears Bloglines is wedged again! It's been reliable for so long, but this past week or so... not so much.
Just got my flu shot. Hoping that deltoid doesn't ache later tonight.
Michelle Obama was up here today. Todd Palin will be here next week. (related link)
Heading home. RCIA class tonight, but want at least some time with the kids beforehand.
Back home. Michelle says that Timothy is starting to like visiting the laundromat. Hopefully not needed much longer.
Back home from RCIA. Not my best work tonight. I watched a bit of "Muppet Wizard of Oz" with the girls. Heading to bed. Good night all!