Yawn! Good morning all. Got to force myself out of bed to get to girls to church early. They serve today & next Sunday for the 7am Masses.
Back home from Mass and breakfast. Michelle and the boys are at CCD. I'm going to prepare for RCIA.
I'm really bummed that OperaMini + Palm's JVM don't seem to "play nice". Back to using "Blazer". It's not as sexy, but reliable as hell.
Michelle is rejoicing. She's done taking the penicillin needed for her Strep throat. 10 days, 3x per day. I'm glad no one else caught it.
Ordered a few parts for my tractor. They'd fallen off this past month. I'm always amazed at the markup on stuff like this.
Trying "Card Reader" for PalmOS. It lets your computer "see" the SD card inside your Palm as a drive so you can move files to it easily.
At Kowloon Wasabi to pick up takeout for our family and guests.
Got my iBook configured so that it can leverage my phone's 3G data network (aka tethering) in case I'm not near a WiFi access point.
I started dozing around 8:30pm as Abby was finishing up a session of "Super Mario Galaxy" w/o her brothers' interference. Good night all!