Good morning all! Welcome to Friday. A cool front is working its way through here the next few days with temps in the 40's (°F).
Welcome to spring! Now when is this snow going to melt?! When will we see some green returning?
Installed TweetDeck on my MacBook. Compared to the Twitter website's spartan look, it's almost overwhelming.
Hey Twilight groupies, Amazon is having a $5 sale on the musical score. (related link)
Deactivated my iBook, which was acting as a audio backup, from iTunes. Transferred audio library backup function over to the MacBook.
Geek propellers are spinning. I'm tinkering with FluxBox. (related link)
Watching the long awaited episode of Phineas & Ferb, "Busted", with the kids. Preview here: (related link)
Trying hard NOT to laugh at The Onion. (related link)
I've been migrating more and more data from the old laptop to the new. Then I'll reformat the old and give it to Daniel's godfather.
Thankful that iTunes podcast ability has an export/import subscriptions feature...
Reading: "It Would Be Cheaper to Fight World War II Again" (related link)