Good morning! Dropped Claire & her friends off. Fixed a bug in my Twitter archive script, since Twitter subtly changed their XML responses.
gasp I'm seeing a bit of green trying to work its way into our lawn. Of course it's most noticeable over the septic tank. :-P
Today's "Good Morning America" covered the miracle that may lead to Pope John Paul's beatification. (related link)
Had a nice Skype call with my previous boss, who moved back to Ireland four years ago. Always enjoy catching up with her.
Took Michelle out for lunch at Cafe on the Oval followed by a coffee run at Donut Fresh Express, both here in Milford. Back to work now.
Laughing at the Papist Picture of the Day - "Matrix 4: The Rise of Pope Neo". (related link)
This article affirms what I've often thought about Operating System monocultures. (related link)
Listening to @PatrickMadrid "Open Line" live on my Palm Centro streaming over Sprint's 3G network. What a world we live in!
Back from my Step Circuit class. It is so humid in the studio at this time of yr. I swear I lose a pound just in water weight. Rehydrating..
Laughing. Instead of Notre Dame, call it Northwestern Indiana Humanist Institute of Learning. (NIHIL). The Fighting Nihilists.
Playing (for small values of playing) with one of Perl's XML parsing libraries. That oughtta keep me busy for a spell...
Updated my Twitter archiving script to use a real XML parsing library. Hopefully [fingers crossed] this will make it less likely to break.
Is it already past 10 o' clock on the U.S. east coast?! Typical night of hacking and losing track of time. Good night all. Sleep well!