May 15, 2009

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Good morning and welcome back to Friday. After yesterday's gloomy weather, it looks like today will be sunny and in the 70's. I'm heading down to Boxborough after I drop Claire & her friends off at school. 6:19am

Took a different route in but probably shouldn't have. Enjoyed listening to latest audiobook. (related link) Swung over to Acton, MA to fuel up with some B100 again. 9:18am

Back from lunch with 4 coworkers at Not Your Average Joes in Acton, MA. Was wondering why my desktop PC was dog slow and then remembered, this is when IT schedules virus scans. Argh! Would love a way to postpone it to 5pm. 1:27pm

Went to a presentation on the AMD Fusion architecture (putting a generic processor and a graphics processor on one chip). 3:18pm

Leaving the state of Kennedy/Kerry and heading back home to the Granite State. 5:03pm

Smooth commute home, enjoying my audiobook. Sunny with temps skirting 80F. Inspected the additional gutters installed this morning while I was away. 6:20pm

Michelle gave us boys fresh hair cuts. I helped her put the boys to bed. Now just relaxing with the CBS sitcom "Big Bang Theory" from last Monday. 8:33pm
