June 19, 2009

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Good morning! Went to Mass. Afterwards became a 'counter critter' at a local diner and had some breakfast. Luckily I sat next to a friend from our parish who also was at the Mass. Now VPN'd into the office for the rest of the day. 9:25am

It's early Friday afternoon. Therefore my work laptop is once again moving like molasses as it does its IT mandated virus scan. I recently realized this machine only has 512MB of memory. Perhaps when I "cross over" to Qualcomm, I can spend $100 and boost it to 2GB and stop this incessant disk paging activity. 1:25pm

Having dinner at the Red Arrow Diner. 6:10pm

While I'm downloading yet another episode of "Big Bang Theory" (I think my 3rd tonight), I'm trying to get my head around this uber social networking/aggregator thing that is FriendFeed. Any FF pros out there? 9:24pm

This shows what can happen in chip development if you push the leading edge a little too hard. (related link) "Oops! Sorry ATI. Our yields on fabricating your graphics chips is below 25%. We may have trouble getting you the quantity you had hoped for. Hope the shortage doesn't affect your bottom line..." Ugh! 10:10pm
