Back from Mass & breakfast with the family. Relaxing for now. Much needed lawn mowing coming later when things dry out.
Finished Mark Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" this morning. It was a good piece of conservative writing. More about concepts and general principles whereas more of the recent books by Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Dick Morris, etc. are commentaries on current events.
The kids all showed their support for "buy local" this afternoon. When they heard about a lemonade stand down the street, they each dug out quarters to buy a cup. Because, you know, we don't have anything to drink here in the house.
Well, there went the afternoon. Mowing from 2-5pm. It's part of the compromise of mowing only alternating weekends. Since I missed lunch (have I mentioned a lack of appetite lately? Too many butterflies in my stomach) it's catching up with me now. I'm ready for some dinner.
At Haywards Ice Cream with the family.
Watched "Top Gun" on AMC. It's not quite the same now that Tom Cruise is a scientologist psycho and Kelly McGillis came out of the closet.