November 25, 2009

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Took the family and Shauna Ronan out swimming and for lunch at (related link) afterwards. Then stopped at DFE for some much needed caffeine for Michelle and I. So far enjoying our day off from school and work. 2:17pm

Time to order a fresh battery for my cell phone. Something iPhone owners never worry about. The iPhone is cough disposable cough I mean, designed to be upgraded annually. iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS... 2:36pm

Trying to explain Santa vs St. Nicholas to the twins, with varying success... 3:40pm

Evil basket of household white laundry, I have conquered you yet again! We'll meet again very soon, I'm sure. Now it's time to pick up my car from detailing. Unfortunately it's a misty rainy day, so that pristine look will not last the drive home. :-(. 4:21pm

Going to watch a short DVD and head to bed. Good night all. If you're traveling for Thanksgiving, safe travels to you. 8:05pm

Bookmarks I made today:

The Wilding of Sarah Palin
Excerpt: Then along came Sarah, and the attacks became particularly heinous. And I realized something even more chilling about the Left. Leftists not only sacrifice and disrespect women, but it's far worse: many are perpetuators. The Left's behavior towards Palin is not politics as usual. By their laser-focu...

The White House's unprecedented use of 'unprecedented' - Yahoo! News
Comment: It almost sounds like a lead story from The Onion™
Excerpt: The Obama White House is addicted to the “unprecedented.”

Snapshots I took today:
Thumbnail of Abigail and her baby 
